First impressions mean everything, especially in the corporate world. A headshot is a great way to promote yourself, your work, and your business—but only if the image is professional and up to date.
You shouldn't use the same professional photo forever, no matter how great your previous headshot is. We suggest refreshing your headshot every two years. It keeps your picture current, as well as provides another opportunity to give your corporate look a freshening up.
When should you update your headshot?
1. Your current headshot is unprofessional
You might not have been fully prepared when you took your first headshot. Rather than taking the time to schedule a professional shoot, you might have snapped a quick selfie or asked a friend to stage an informal shoot in the backyard.
It would help if you took advantage of the first opportunity to upgrade your headshots and show yourself in a professional light. On LinkedIn and other places online, it's very easy to see which professionals invested in a headshot versus those that didn't.
2. Your appearance has changed
If you no longer look anything like your old headshots, you're doing yourself a disservice. Any time you make a significant change to your appearance, such as altering your hairstyle and color or gaining or losing significant weight, it's essential to update your headshots. After all, you want your headshots to depict you for clients and colleagues accurately.
3. You want headshots for different places/uses
Having one great headshot isn't always enough. As you make a name for yourself, your profile will likely be published on many websites and social media accounts. Over time, sharing the same headshot can make you look out of touch.
For example, you'd like to use an updated one for your speaking engagements, or if you're an entrepreneur, you want a specific headshot for your identity.
The point is that it can be a good idea to differentiate yourself and your brand using multiple headshots for various reasons.
4. You're ready to establish your personal brand
You might not have had a well-defined personal brand early in your career. As a result, your headshots may look professional yet generic. It doesn't matter if you're a business owner or employee; you have a personal brand that speaks for itself.
Think of your personal brand as your image or how your network or clients perceive you, and you can influence this perception by showcasing a professional headshot that you're proud of.
5. You have a new job or start a new business
It's a good idea to update your headshot when you begin a new job. Your headshot should be relevant and appropriate for your current role.
Keeping your headshot up to date will help reflect your identity and personality within your specific job role, making you more approachable to clients.
6. You’re job hunting
When looking for a new job, you want a potential employer to see more than just your application. A high-quality, professional image helps inspire confidence and trust in you even before they've met you. Your expression in the image can determine a person's first impression, so make sure it is genuine.
This is particularly important if you are job hunting. Did you know that adding a professional photo to your profile makes you 14 times more likely to be found on LinkedIn?
Investing in a professional photographer is worth it for the career boost: not only does a great headshot convey that you're professional, it shows that you want to invest in your career and are making an effort to do so.
Where can I get a professional headshot?
It's time to add 'Update my headshot' to your New Year's Resolution list! Contact Jeffery Rosenberg Photography to schedule your headshot! (212) 915-0589 or